What is Roller Derby
Okay…. der. Most of you are on this site because your already sucked into roller derby on some level or another. Maybe your a skater, a ref, an NSO, a security guard, a coach, or a super fan. Just in case you don’t fall into one of those categories above, let me give you a quick rundown.
This isn’t your mom’s roller derby. It’s probably faintly reminiscent of the 1970’s era roller derby, as it’s kept a small portion of the true grit and grime that makes derby so much different from basketball, golf, and baseball. What’s different? The WWE style theatrics and antics are gone, and have been replaced with solid athleticism, fierce competition, and tough strategy. What’s the same? The ferocity, the character, and the intensity. Regardless of your preference for theatrics, the new era of roller derby proves 100% authentic yet still completely entertaining.Any given Saturday you can pick up a pair of tickets for around $20, stop by your local fairgrounds, roller rink, or sports center and tune in for an almost underground-like experience. Modern roller derby is grass-roots, it’s raw, unfiltered, and put on 100% by volunteers. Don’t expect stadium seating or peanut vendors, although you may be able to pick up a Beer or two. They might even let you bring in your couch, so your lap can catch a few rollergirls in the front row (of course at your own risk.)
If this all sounds incredibly exiting, and you’d like to take your roller derby lesson to the next level…
To find a roller derby league near you, visit https://www.twoevils.org/rollergirls/teams.cgi
Our favorite nearby league :) http://www.vcderbydarlins.com